Tonari no totoro is a 1988 japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by hayao miyazaki and animated by studio ghibli for tokuma shoten the film which stars the voice actors noriko hidaka chika sakamoto and hitoshi takagi tells the story of a professor s two young daughters satsuki and mei and their interactions.
Studio ghibli door mat.
The encounter commercial promotes plan g a new electric power option that marubeni power is offering to homes as japan deregulates its power industry.
Directed by hayao miyazaki.
When two girls move to the country to be near their ailing mother they have adventures with the wondrous forest spirits who live nearby.
Super soft memory foam bath mat super cozy coral velvet bathroom rugs cute totoro design door mat non slip absorbent kitchen rug 23 62x35 43 inch 4 9 out of 5 stars 51 16 99 16.
Super soft memory foam bath mat non slip absorbent super cozy velvet bathroom rug carpet cute totoro design door mat kitchen mat 23 62x35 43 inch 4 9 out of 5 stars 59 17 99 17.
From academy award winning director hayao miyazaki comes an epic masterpiece that has dazzled audiences worldwide with its breathtaking imagination exhilarating battles and deep humanity.
My neighbor totoro japanese.
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A list of works produced by studio ghibli.
1 feature films 2 co production 3 series 4 music shows 5 commercials 6 shorts 7 non ghibli 8 games add a photo to this gallery add a photo to this gallery add a photo to this gallery add a photo to this gallery add a photo to this gallery shorts are seen in ghibli museum or film festival or dvd.
With hitoshi takagi noriko hidaka chika sakamoto shigesato itoi.
It makes your house warm and comfortable.
Studio ghibli animated choujuu jinbutsu giga emaki the famous japanese scrolls of cartoons of birds animals and people or choujuu giga for short for a marubeni power commercial.
It s a great plastic mat that can decorate your home and office.
Welcome doormat this modern stylish entrance doormat with studio ghibli design is suitable for indoor use.
Finex 2pcs set my neighbor totoro random color multipurpose face towel washcloth for face hands gym spa sports travel.
Ideal for homes where there are pets and children.